Saturday, May 31, 2014

Components - Arduino Web Logger

Diagram of Arduino Web Logger Component

Let's log ADAM-4017's AD value every 500 ms.
We are going to make 512 bytes long block every 1 minute and write that block to the SD card in Ethernet Shield.

Data Block Component.

  • Used Flag: 4 bytes
    Set it to 0xaa55a55a.
  • Time Stamp: 4 bytes
    This is only the sec part of POSIX time_t value.  We are not going to use the millisecond, thus we are going to multiply the value by 1000 (*1000).  It is 32 bit unsigned integer.
  • Data: 4 bytes float value.  It is going to be sampled twice every second.
    1 minute measurement: 2 * 60 * 4 = 480 bytes
    Second is going to be offset.
    For example, The offset for second measurement in 27 second will be 8 + 27 * 8 + 4 = 228.
    Set the unmeasured values to -99.999.  When initializing the block set everything to -99.999.
  • Backup: 24 bytes, set it to Null.

Data File.

Logging is going to be one File.

In FAT32, the biggest file size is 512 * 232 = 241 = 2,199,023,255,552 = 2GB.  Even the smallest SD card is bigger than 2GB.  With 2GB, we can log for 2,199,023,255,552 / 512 / 60 / 24 / 365 = 8,217 years.  Thus memory is going to be full approximately after 8,000 years so we don't have to worry about that.

Data inside File are going to be in time order, which will allow us to retrieve Data Block from certain time very quickly using the simplest Binary Search.  However, adjusting the RTC clock due to whatever reasons will screw this up.  ( Getting deeper into this is too much for this posting, so I am going to skip it. )

Web DB.

Arduino cannot hold all this log data like Browser might hope.  If the browser wants to look through a year long data "very quickly" it's impossible.  Thus, browser is going to keep log data in its database and once in a while connect with Arduino to get the most recent log and update its DB.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Testing: Temporary Test Board(volume) + ADAM-4017 + RS485 + Arduino UNO + Ethernet Shield

Temporary Test Board + ADAM 4017 + RS485 + Arduino UNO + Ethernet Shield

I tested connecting volume to CH0 of ADAM-4017.
I used same source voltage.
Because input range is set to ±10V, if voltage is over +10V Arduino code shows it as +10V.
I didn't cut the board because I was too lazy it is easier to turn the knob with the board like that.

Schematic for volume attaching

I am attaching schematic for volume attaching just in case.
CH0 - CH5 on ADAM-4017 is differential, and CH6 - CH7 is single ended.
Thus, Vin0- has to be set to GND.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

HTML / JavaScript - 4017 Arduino Gateway

Screen Capture of WSAdam4_0.html

I want to emphasize how easy it is to draw that circular gauge!

First of all choose the chart that you like the most.

If you have picked Circular Gauge, let's have a look at 12 samples.

Now we have to download the library.

Last updated download file is

Next, read the tutorial very thoroughly. After reading this you can do everything!

If you want to know more, read the API reference.

I have divided up what we have to do roughly. It could easily be done by just simply following the tutorial.

  1. Load the needed js library.
  2. Create the gauge.
  3. Using HTML, create space for gauge.

    If all the above is done,
  4. Send data that gauge is going to represent.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>ADAM-4017 4.0</title>
        1. Load the needed js library
           The following 3 js library is included 
           in DevExpressChartJS-13.2.9\Lib\js
           I have attached it in this posting.
        <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="globalize.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="dx.chartjs.js"></script>
            var ws;
            var poll = 0;
            var intervalTimer;
//          ****************************
//          2. Create the gauge
//          ****************************
            $(function() {
                    scale: {
                        startValue: 0,
                        endValue: 10,
                        majorTick: { tickInterval: 1 },
                        minorTick: { visible: true, tickInterval: 0.1 }
                    rangeContainer: {
                        ranges: [{ startValue: 0, endValue: 9, color: 'royalblue' },
                                 { startValue: 9, endValue: 10, color: 'red'}]
                    valueIndicator: { color: 'red' },
                    title: {
                        text: 'ADAM-4017',
                        font: { size: 28 },
                        position: 'bottom-center'

            $(document).ready(function() {

            function WebSocketConnect() {
                try {
                    ws = new WebSocket('ws://');
                    ws.onopen = function() {
                    ws.onclose = function() { status('Closed...'); }
                    ws.onerror = function(evt) { status('Error ' +; }
                    ws.onmessage = function(evt) {
//                  ****************************
//                  4. Send data that gauge is going to represent.
//                  ****************************
                catch (exception) {status('Exception ' + exception);}

            function DI_poll() {
                intervalTimer = setTimeout(function() { DI_poll() }, 500);

            function DI_pollEnable() {
                if (!poll) {

            function DI_pollDisable() {
                poll = 0;

            function status(str) { $('#status').append(str); }
    <p id="status">Connection Status: </p>
    <button type="button" onclick="DI_pollEnable()">Input Refresh ON</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="DI_pollDisable()">OFF</button>
    3. Using HTML create space for gauge.
    <div id="gaugeContainer" style="height:380px"></div>

Full codes can be found in following links

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Arduino Code - 4017 Arduino Gateway

Add Analog In to the WebSocket protocol.

Digital Out

Turning on: "DOn=ON"
Turning off: "DOn=OFF"
n is channel number (0-7)
There is no reply.

Digital In

When you send "DI", it replies in "bbbbbbbb" format.
b is equal to each input channel, and it is either '0' or '1'.

Analog In

When you send "AIn", it replies in "+dd.ddd" format. 
n is channel number between 0 to 7. 
"+dd.ddd" is between -10.000 - +10.000.

The original is in posting:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <WebSocket.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0F, 0x25, 0xC4 };
byte ip[] = { 192,168,219,16 };

WebSocket wsServer;

int DE485 = 2;
SoftwareSerial Soft485(3, 4);
void ADMA4017_config(void);

char rx485Ln[8];
int rx485ix;
void AdamReceiver(void);

void setup() {

 pinMode(DE485, OUTPUT);
 ADMA4017_config(); // Only need to be configured once.

 Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);

 rx485ix = -1;

void loop() {

void onConnect(WebSocket &socket) {
 Serial.println("onConnect called");

void onDisconnect( WebSocket &socket ) {
 Serial.println("onDisconnect called");

void ADMA4017_config(void) {
 digitalWrite(DE485, HIGH);
 // refer to ADAM - 4017 Arduino Gateway posting
 digitalWrite(DE485, LOW);

void onData(WebSocket &socket, char* rxLn, byte rxSz) {
 // Analog In
 if((rxLn[0] == 'A') && (rxLn[1] == 'I')) {
  digitalWrite(DE485, HIGH);
  // Analog In cmd for 4017 is #AAN(cr)
  digitalWrite(DE485, LOW);

void AdamReceiver(void) {
 char rxChr;

 if(Soft485.available()) {
  rxChr =;
  if(rxChr == '>')
   rx485ix = 0;
  else if(rx485ix >= 0) {
   if(rxChr == 0x0d) {
    // 4017's replay is >+dd.ddd(cr)
    if(rx485ix == 7) {
     // The reply conatins decimal pts like
     // "+09.456"; however, JS handles it very
     // well.
     wsServer.send(rx485Ln, 7);
    rx485ix = -1;
   else {
    rx485Ln[rx485ix++] = rxChr;
    if(rx485ix > 7) 
     rx485ix = -1;

Full codes can be found in following links

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

ADAM - 4017 Arduino Gateway


The manual "ADAM-4000_manual_V20.pdf" can be downloaded from the following site.

Use INIT* as GND and set RS-485 Address as "00". Unlike ADAM-4050, settings need to be modified.

Configuration Command

%AANNTTCCFF(cr) ( refer to manual page 150 )
  • AA: "00" current RS-485 address.
  • NN: "02" new address for RS-485. You can set it to anything. I used "02" because I used "01" for ADAM-4050
  • TT: "08" input range. ( refer to manual page 152 ). ±10V, for now I used maximum.
  • CC: "06" 9600 bps ( refer to manual page 152 ).
  • FF: "00" ( refer to manual page 152 ).
    • <b7> 0: 60 Hz
    • <b6> 0: Checksum Disable
    • <b5 b4 b3 b2> 0000
    • <b1 b0> 10: ( refer to manual page 387 ).
      Receives the 12 bit AD read value in binary format.
      It becomes 3 byte HEX-ASCII.
      However, ADAM-4050 does not support this, thus ?01(cr) will be returned.
    • <b1 b0> 00: If you set it to 00, you receive voltage value within the input range.
      If the input range is equal to ±10V, it returns values between -10.000 - +10.000, which is very nice.

Analog Input

#AAN(cr) ( refer to manual page 161 )
  • AA: "00" RS-485 address
  • N: "0" channel 0 - 7. We are using 0.
  • HHH: It returns 3 byte HEX-ASCII. "000" - "FFF"
    ADAM-4050 does not support this.

  • +dd.ddd: The following 7 bytes value gets returned. -10.000 - +10.000. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Input Polling from Arduino - Web/Arduino/Adam

Let's poll continuously from ADAM-4050 from Arduino using RS-485.
If there is an input change from ADAM, we send it to the browser.

We are going to add or modify the following from WSAdam.ino.

char rx485Ln[8];
char preAdamPollRcv[2] = { 0, 0 };
int rx485ix;
char bitMap[8];
byte wsConnect;
long lastPollTime;

void XsfAdamPollData(void);
void AdamPoll(void);
void AdamReceiver(void);
void hexToBit(char hex, int p);

void setup() {
 pinMode(DE485, OUTPUT);
 wsConnect = 0;
 lastPollTime = 0;
 Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);

void loop() {
 if((millis() - lastPollTime) >= 500)
  AdamPoll(); // Poll every 0.5 seconds

void onConnect(WebSocket &socket) {
 Serial.println("OnConnect called");

void onDisconnect(WebSocket &socket) {
 Serial.println("onDisconnect called");
 wsConnect = 0;

 //else if(rxLn[1] == 'I') {
  //digitalWrite(DE485, HIGH);
  //digitalWrite(DE485, LOW);
 else if(rxLn[1] == 'I')

void XsfAdamPollData(void) {
 hexToBit(preAdamPollRcv[0], 0);
 hexToBit(preAdamPollRcv[1], 4);
 wsServer.send(bitMap, 8);

void AdamPoll(void) {
 digitalWrite(DE485, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(DE485, LOW);

 lastPollTime = millis();

 if(rx485ix == 6) { // !ooii00<cr>
  //hexToBit(rx485Ln[2], 0);
  //hexToBit(rx485Ln[3], 4);
  //wsServer.send(bitMap, 8);

  // send only if previous input and current input is different.
  if((preAdamPollRcv[0] != rx485Ln[2]) || (preAdamPollRcv[1] != rx485Ln[3])) {
   preAdamPollRcv[0] = rx485Ln[2];
   preAdamPollRcv[1] = rx485Ln[3];

We are going to modify HTML/JS a little bit.
Use the following source when modifying:

//        ws.onopen = function() { status('Connected...'); }
        ws.onopen = function() {
            DI(); // Read Input once when connected.

    <!--We do not need Update Button anymore.-->
    <!--<button type="button" onclick="DI()">IN Refresh</button>-->

Full codes can be found in following links

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Input Polling from a Browser - Web/Arduino/Adam

When Input Polling from a Browser...

The previous code updated input condition when [IN Refresh] button was clicked. Now we are going to change it so that it updates continuously.

We are going to fix the following parts:

    var ws;
    var poll = 0;
    var intervalTimer;
    var InLamp = new Array();
    for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        InLamp[i] = '#DI' + (7 - i) + '_c';

//    ws.onopen = function() { status('Connected...'); }
    ws.onopen = function() {
        // When WebSocket connects, polling starts.

//    function DI() { ws.send("DI"); }
    function DI_poll() {
        // Polls every 500 ms.
        intervalTimer = setTimeout(function() { DI_poll() }, 500);
    function DI_pollEnable() { // Start polling
        if (!poll) {
    function DI_pollDisable() { // End polling
        poll = 0;

    <!--<button type="button" onclick="DI()">IN Refresh</button>-->
    <button type="button" onclick="DI_pollEnable()">Input Refresh ON</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="DI_pollDisable()">OFF</button>

Full codes can be found in following links

Saturday, May 24, 2014

HTML / JavaScript - Web/Arduino/Adam

Screen Capture of WSAdam1_0.html

Let's simplify the HTML code.

ws = new WebSocket('ws://');

ws.send("DI"); // sends message
ws.close(); // Not used this time

ws.onopen = function() { status('Connected...'); }
ws.onclose = function() { status('Closed...'); }
ws.onerror = function(evt) { status('Error ' +; }
ws.onmessage = function(evt) { // function that receives message


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>ADAM-4050 1.0</title>
        <!--It seemed to be a waste to download it everytime, 
        so I included the file.-->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
            var ws;
            var InLamp = new Array();

            for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++)
                InLamp[i] = '#DI' + (7 - i) + '_c';

            // This is the code that browser calls when done
            // loading HTML/JS code.
            $(document).ready(function() {
                var i = 0;
                var html = 'ON <br />';

                // This is the code for making ON buttons in HTML.
                // The same code is repeated.
                for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    html += '<button type="button" onclick="DO_On(' + i + ')">DO ' + i + '</button>';

                // This is the code for making OFF buttons in
                // HTML.
                html = 'OFF<br/>';
                for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    html += '<button type="button" onclick="DO_Off(' + i + ')">DO ' + i + '</button>';

                // This is the code for drawing Input circles in
                // HTML.
                html = '<table><tr align="center">';
                for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    html += '<td><svg height="50" width="50"><circle id="DI' + i + '_c" cx="25" cy="25" r="20" stroke="black" fill="white"/></svg></td>';
                html += '</tr><tr align="center"><td>DI 0</td> <td>DI 1</td> <td>DI 2</td> <td>DI 3</td> <td>DI 4</td> <td>DI 5</td> <td>DI 6</td></tr></table>';

                // Now connect the WebSocket.

            function WebSocketConnect() {
                try {
                    ws = new WebSocket('ws://');

                    ws.onopen = function() {
                    ws.onclose = function() {
                    ws.onerror = function(evt) {
                        status('Error ' +; 

                    ws.onmessage = function(evt) {
                        for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
                            if ([i] == '0')
                                $(InLamp[i]).css("fill", "white");
                                $(InLamp[i]).css("fill", "red");
                catch (exception) {
                    status('Exception ' + exception);

            function DO_On(chn) { ws.send('DO' + chn + '_ON'); }
            function DO_Off(chn) { ws.send('DO' + chn + '_OFF'); }
            function DI() { ws.send("DI"); }
            function status(str) { $("#status").append(str); }
        <p id="status">Connection Status: </p>
        <p id="OutONbutton"></p>
        <p id="OutOFFbutton"></p>
        <p id="InputLamp"></p>
        <button type="button" onclick="DI()">IN Refresh</button>

Full codes can be found in following links

Friday, May 23, 2014

Arduino Code(2) - Web/Arduino/Adam

Let's make a very simple protocol to use for WebSocket.

For Digital Out:
     Turning on: "DOn=ON"
     Turning off: "DOn=OFF"
     n: channel number 0-7

For Digital In:
     If you send "DI" it returns "bbbbbbbb".
     'b' is each input channel. It either becomes '0' or '1'.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <WebSocket.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0F, 0x25, 0xC4 };
byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 219, 16 };
WebSocket wsServer;

int DE485 = 2;
SoftwareSerial Soft485(3, 4);

char rx485Ln[8];
int rx485ix;
char bitMap[8];

void AdamReceiver(void);
void hexToBit(char hex, int p);

void setup() {
 Serial.begin(9600); // Arduino Sketch Serial Monitor

 pinMode(DE485, OUTPUT);

 Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);

 rx485ix = -1;

void loop() {

void onConnect(WebSocket &socket) {
 Serial.println("onConnect called");

void onDisconnect(WebSocket &socket) {
 Serial.println("onDisconnect called");

void onData(WebSocket &socket, char* rxLn, byte rxSz) {
 // Digital Out
 // It is either "DOn=ON" or "DOn=OFF". n = "0" - "7"
 // It would really be nice if we can parse "DO", "=ON",
 // "=OFF"; however, we are not focusing on this.
 // In "DO" we are only checking for "O" and for "=ON" & 
 // "=OFF", we will only check for "N".
 if(rxLn[1] == 'O') {
  // RS-485 will be in TX mode when DE is high
  digitalWrite(DE485, HIGH);
  // We send to ADAM-4050 "#001n01"<cr> if ON or
  // "#001n00"<cr> if OFF.
  Soft485.write(rxLn[2]); // n = "0" - "7"
  if(rxLn[5] == 'N')
  digitalWrite(DE485, LOW); // When finished, DE must be low

 // Digital In
 // We are only looking for "I" in "DI"
 else if(rxLn[1] == 'I') {
  digitalWrite(DE485, HIGH);
  Soft485.write("$006"); // We send "$AA6"<cr> to ADAM-4050
  digitalWrite(DE485, LOW);

// ADAM-4050 sends "!ooii00"<cr> as reply.
// The message starts with "!" and ends in <cr>, and there are 6
// bytes in between. The input data are the "ii". For more 
// information look at ADAM - Web/Arduino/Adam posting.
void AdamReceiver(void) {
 char rxChr;

 if(Soft485.available()) {
  rxChar =;
  if(rxChr == '!')
   rx485ix = 0; // message starts with "!"
  else if(rx485ix >= 0) {
   if(rxChr == 0x0d) { // message ends with <cr>
    //!ooii00<cr> Between "!" and <cr> there needs to be
    // 6 bytes
    if(rx485ix == 6) {
     hexToBit(rx485Ln[2], 0);
     hexToBit(rx485Ln[3], 4);
     wsServer.send(bitMap, 8);
    rx485ix = -1; // it needs to be sync to "!" again
   else {
    rx485Ln[rx485ix++] = rxChr;
    if(rx485ix > 6)
     // it cannot be greater than 6 bytes.
     // Re-sync to "!".
     rx485ix = -1;

// We send "bbbbbbbb" to WebSocket. b is equal to each input channel, and it becomes either '0' or '1'.
void hexToBit(char hex, int p) {
 int i;

 if(hex >= 'A')
  hex = hex - 0x41 + 10;
  hex -= '0';
 hex ^= 0x0f;

 for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  if(hex & 0x08)
   bitMap[p + i] = '1';
   bitMap[p + i] = '0';
  hex <<= 1;

The code can be downloaded from:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Arduino Code(1) - Web/Arduino/Adam

The basic tutorial for WebSocket:

The code that I used for WebSocket is from the following site:

Now back to the original TOPIC.

Code for Arduino WebSocket

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <WebSocket.h> 

Ones that must be defined
/* Mac Address
  Each Ethernet Shield has different mac address. 
  Check your board.
byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0F, 0x25, 0xC4 };

/* IP Address
  Arduino becomes the server, and it needs fixed IP.
  It doesn't necessarily need global IP, it just needs fixed IP.
  Most LAN connections use DHCP, so use an Local IP address that 
  DHCP doesn't use.
     Open command promp and type ipconfig /all
     Check the IP Address for the current PC. 
     Keeping the same Subnet Mask, try pinging IP addresses.
     If you find the IP address that doesn't answer the ping,
     use that IP address.
     If someone around you gets pissed off because their internet 
     doesn't work, change the IP address quickly and quietly before
     he notices you.
byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 100, 11 };

Create WebSocket Callback
  There are 3 Callbacks in WebSocket.h.
  You should be able to guess what they are for just by looking at
  there names.

    typedef void DataCallback(WebSocket &socket, char* socketString, byte frameLength);
    typedef void Callback(WebSocket &socket);

    void registerDataCallback(DataCallback *callback);
      // Called when received Data
    void registerConnectCallback(Callback *callback);
      // when WebSocket is connected
    void registerDisconnectCallback(Callback *callback);
      // when WebSocket is disconnected
WebSocket wsServer;
void onData(WebSocket &socket, char* socketString, byte frameLength) { }
void onConnect(WebSocket &socket) { }
void onDisconnect(WebSocket &socket) { }

Code inside setup()
void setup() {
 Ehternet.begin(mac, ip);
 // Give Ethernet Shield some time to get ready.

Code inside loop()
void loop() {

 if(wsServer.isConnected()) {
  wsServer.send("abc123", 6);

  listen() needs to be called continuously.
  If data is received onData() gets called.
  If you want to send data send(char *str, byte length);

RS-485 Connection Code

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

Ones that must be defined
SoftwareSerial Soft485(3, 4);
int DE485 = 2;

  Pin 3: RX
  Pin 4: TX
  Pin 2: DE This was declared in 
      RS485 Shield - Web/Arduino/Adam posting.

Code inside setup()
void setup() {
 pinMode(DE485, OUTPUT);

  ADAM-4050 is 9600 bps. (ADAM - Web/Arduino/Adam posting)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

RS485 Shield - Web/Arduino/Adam

I have purchased following RS-485 Shield.

RS-485 Shield

There was no manual ( just like I expected :( ), and shockingly schematic was not included.
Furthermore I couldn't even find the information about the manufacturer.  I sent an email to the address on the PCB ( ), and got the following:

RS-485 Schematic

This was unexpected.  Guess I should be thankful that they replied.


Although it is not shown on the schematic, there is a Jumper to allow the use of Soft Serial Port.  There are 3 Jumpers; however, Arduino Uno only has one Serial Port so we are going to use Soft Serial Port.

     RX-io    Set them for Jumper

Pin Settings:

  • Pin 3: RX
  • Pin 4: TX
  • Pin 2: DE

DE is only set to 'H' when transmitting, and at other times ( receiving ) DE is set to 'L'.  At other times Soft Serial is same as general serial, thus we don't have to care.

In Ethernet Shield, Pin 4 is used as SD_CS; however for now we are not using SD thus we don't have to worry about it.  If you really want to use SD, you have to move TX to somewhere around Pin 5 which involves cutting and soldering.  Very annoying...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

UNO, Ethernet Shield - Web/Arduino/Adam


I used UNO, the most basic Arduino model.

The one I purchased is from the following Korean site, and it is not the original version.
You could purchase it from other sites ( a lot of them sell it ).

This machine gives off a lot of heat ( enough heat to make me worry about the PCB ).

Arduino UNO from

Ethernet Shield

This is an original, I purchased it from plughouse (Korean site).

Ethernet Shield

UNO + Ethernet Shield + RS-485 Shield

Let's stack all 3.

Arduino UNO + Ethernet Shield + RS-485 Shield

Photo with ADAM!

Arduino UNO + Ethernet Shield + RS-485 Shield, Adam-4050, LED & Switches

Monday, May 19, 2014

ADAM - Web/Arduino/Adam


This is the most basic Digital Input / Output ADAM series module. ( also the cheapest* )

Download the manual "ADAM-4000_manual_V20.pdf" from the above link. 
( This manual is for the entire 4000 series modules. ADAM-4050 starts on page 74 )

ADAM has 8 Outputs and 7 Inputs.
I have attached 8 LED and 7 DIP Switches ( BEST for testing ). 

ADAM 4050 module w/ 8 LED & 7 DIP Switch


Very simple. ( It's in manual pg.75 )
I set INIT* pin to GND because I didn't want to confuse 485 Address. This sets Address = 0, Speed = 9600 bps, and Checksum = disabled. ( manual pg.19 )

Circuit w/ Switch and LED

RS-485 Protocol

For ADAM-4050 command set refer to manual pg.130.
The ones that we actually use are:
  • Digital Data In (pg.241) that begins with '$' and
  • Digital Data Out (pg.243) that begins with '#'

The Confusing Question...

Is this protocol only using visible ASCII ( 0x20 - 0x7f )? or is Binary also being used?
Except for the line termination Cr ( 0x0d ), only Visible ASCII are used.

Digital Data Out

#AABB( data )( cr )
  except for ( cr ), #AABB( data ) is string
  • AA is address for 485
    AA = "00" because we have set INIT* as GND
  • BB is channel address
    If "00", it writes to all 8 channels at the same time.
    ( data ) ranges from "00" to "FF"
    lsb is DO 0, and msb is DO 7.
    ( eg. If you want to turn ON DO 7 and DO 5 and rest OFF, the ( data ) will be "A0" )

    If "10" - "17", it writes to each channel.
    "10" will turn ON DO 0, ... , "17" will turn ON DO 7
    In this case ( data ) is either "00" or "01".
It says as response we receive ">( cr )"; however we are not going to care about this for now.

Digital Data In

$AA6( cr )
  • AA is address for 485
  • 6 is Digital Data in Command
Response: !( dataOutput )( dataInput )00( cr )
  • ( dataOutput ) Loop back from output.
    2 character string. If we get "A0", it means that DO 7 and DO 5 is ON and rest are OFF.
  • ( dataInput )
    2 character string. This value is what we want.
  • "00"
    We don't know what this is for, so let's not worry about this.